Rameen Bashtawi

I am experienced in leveraging Xamarin Forms, PHP and MySQL to create Desktop and Mobile Applications, and Backend Services and Websites. As well as WordPress.


Co-Founder & Full-Stack Software Engineer, Parttime

Korrasa For Applications

Korrasa is a Medical Software Development Company that focuses on Software for Private Clinics.

As Co-Founder & Software Engineer, I develop Korrasa’s current & upcoming Desktop & mobile applications.

Managed the Software development cycle with partners for continuous delivery of updates.

Facilitated open communication with partners through weekly feedback sessions, resulting in 96 updates to the Microsoft Store.

Integrated PHP seamlessly with Xamarin Forms for seamless backend communication, ensuring a smooth user experience in medical applications.

Time commitment: 10 hours per week.

November 2022 - November 2024

Full-Stack Software Engineer, Parttime


Started developing a mobile application for a private clinic, made changes upon request.

July 2022 - November 2022


University of Petra

Bachelor of Software Engineering

Ranked second in Class of 14, 3.52/4.0 GPA Very Good, Dean's List for 5 semesters.

Graduation Web Project on a Skill Trading Platform, where users can buy any, virtual or physical timed skill.

October 2015 - July 2020


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Cross-Platform Mobile Development on Xamarin. Forms and XAML.
  • Web application development on PHP, React.js, JavaScript, MySQL, HTML5 & CSS.
  • Programming Languages as C#, Python, Java, C++, VB.NET.
  • Software Configuration on Git and GitHub.
  • Project Management, Object-Oriented Programming, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), and Software Engineering.


Medical Record System

On Desktop and Mobile, Using Xamarin. Forms and PHP Backend, Go-to: Landing Page.

Course Certifications